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Gary at Bear Creek Ent. Heating and cooling. Just an update, things here have really slowed, as you can imagine, with major projects on hold for now. I’ve been out everyday this week though, helping people with there furnace and HRV problems. Trying to be as I careful as I can, when entering your homes, but it is hard to do sometimes, you just can’t leave people with no heat. Now that more people are staying home with their families, I want to emphasize the importance of 1) making sure your furnace filters are clean. 2) your HRV if you have, is operating, making sure the filters are clean inside, outside vents are clean from debris. 3)what I have read is that the virus can strive in either low, or high humidity environments. The optimal humidity should be around 45%. People with no HRV’s, can run their kitchen, or exhaust fans for periods of time to lessen the humidity levels, and crack the window a bit to get an air exchange. Once the weather warms, and windows can be opened, this will help in this problem. You have to make your home a safe environment to live in. Any questions, just contact me, through Facebook or messenger. Take care, hopefully soon this will be behind us. .

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